[ale] Linux Journal Ceases Publication

Jim jim at ezsched.us
Thu Aug 8 10:31:40 EDT 2019

I have to shed a tear.  I started subscribing with issue 3, as soon as I 
found out about it.  I was very disappointed when they stopped with the 
printed  issue, 'cause it was the reason I visited the "library" (Hint: 
smallest room in the house) but I kept going.

I know there are folks that don't think much of the rag, but I enjoyed 
it.  It's followed Pop 'tronics, Radio Electronics, BYTE, Killobaud, 
Heathkit, Radio Shack, Lafayette Radio and others into bankruptcy 
leaving another void in my life.  Ah, but we must go on.


I never had any love for PC Magazine, as it was very MS centric.

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