[ale] command line cheat sheet cht.sh

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Wed Nov 7 11:50:47 EST 2018

I just ran across a cool little site cheat.sh aka cht.sh. It's designed to be used from the command line for quick help for bash, python, and many other languages. 

For a no-install use, you can type this, for example to 
$ curl cht.sh/ls 

There's also a short script you can create like this 
$ curl https://cht.sh/:cht.sh > ~/bin/cht.sh 
$ chmod +x ~/bin/cht.sh 

Then you can just type 
$ cht.sh ss 

There is bash tab completion available. There is also a vim plugin, plus some for other editors. 

I only just started playing with it, but it looks promising. Has anyone been using it for a while and found it useful, or been disappointed? 

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