[ale] journald forward to rsyslog/syslog-ng

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Sun Jan 28 16:25:14 EST 2018

Ok, I've spent almost two hours searching for this and can't find it.

I know about the volatile storage in journald to avoid using disk and I
know about the forwardtosyslog option that should forward things on.
However, I can't find anything about how to set things up so that
rsyslog is not *reading* from the journal but actually seeing things
forwarded to it.

The end goal is that I want journald to not write or store anything
(storage=none) so that it doesn't eat RAM to maintain the journal or
just thrash the hard drive with low level debug statements.

Is this a limitation of rsyslog with journald?  If so I have no problems
switching to syslog-ng.

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