[ale] OT: Cell Phone recs Was Re: Android secondary security

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Thu Mar 9 15:51:10 EST 2017

Nice, but ouch! Almost $200 higher than the g4. Might be a bit much for a 
first smartphone. Technically my second, but being grandfathered in an old 
Cingular plan with no data I never used it as one. Going to get a new number 
and pass my old phone to my wife's parents. Only a hundred bucks a year if  
not used much and they need an emergency phone. 

Found the LG g4 at Newegg for $234 which is only slightly higher than 
fleabay. It works with AT&T so unlocked should work with Cricket. Has an 
Otterbox available which will be a necessity for me. On my fifth phone in 12 
years... Fortunately only one was more than $20. Wife got 10 years on her 
first cell and only upgraded because they turned off 2G service last year. 

Have not ordered it yet, may pull the trigger tonight unless someone has a 
better suggestion.


On Thursday 09 March 2017, James Taylor wrote:
> I would highly recommend the oneplus3t.
> It's an affordable high spec phone with vendor and enthusiastic rom
> developer support. I'm a big fan of the slimroms distro. It allows you to
> start with as close to vanilla android as you want, and provides optional
> access to any feature you might want or need. -jt

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