[ale] small XMPP server.

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Tue Jan 3 20:44:00 EST 2017

On 2017-01-03 15:51, Boris Borisov wrote:
> I'm tired of trying to use facebook or gmail for messaging my friends. Since 
> these companies removed support for XMPP you have to use different messengers or 
> the one provided by the company. I'm going to try to set small XMPP server for 
> myself and my friends and let them use it.

Google and Facebook both still have XMPP (I'm using both literally right
now in a window next to this one and on my phone next to the keyboard).
They just don't announce it. :)  (Technically both of the services rely
on XMPP for their own applications, they just have extended it a bit to
allow things like ads and other specific integration, but the core XMPP
chat works.)

For a personal server I have set up Prosody on one of my spare machines.
 It seems ok but configuration is via editing Lua script and I don't
fully understand Lua syntax so I made lots of mistakes at first.  I've
also seen lots of references to ejabberd and openfire as I was working
on Asterisk/XMPP integration.

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