[ale] Programming and preferred languages?

Douglas Yoon mrdougyoon at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 14:23:15 EST 2017

I've been developing software for almost 30 years.
Cut my teeth on Pascal but spent most of my career in C/C++.
In between, have used lex and yacc (or flex/bison now), Java, and Python.
REALLY enjoyed moving to Javascript in the past few years (because of its

The point for me is that languages are tools. No single language can fill
all the different types of projects out there.

In this day of google/stackoverflow/youtube, I recommend focusing on the
project/architecture and use whatever language seem appropriate.

The only caveat is if you are building a HUGE, monolithic program with
millions of lines of code. But, those are few and far between, given
microservice and serverless architectures.
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