[ale] anybody got a stock .htaccess for read-only apache website

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net
Fri Aug 11 17:52:12 EDT 2017

On 8/11/2017 04:47 PM, Alex Carver wrote:
> After watching a server at Linode attempt to break into my home modem
> administration ports (that I have no control over) for an hour, I
> wouldn't exactly trust Linode either.

How is that Linode's fault?  Anyone could buy a VPS anywhere, and try
such things.

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net | For the wise man, doing right trumps
http://oloryn.benshome.net/     | looking right.  For the fool, looking
Amateur Radio NJ8J              | right trumps doing right.

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