[ale] ALE Resource Reminder

DJ-Pfulio djpfulio at jdpfu.com
Mon Feb 1 10:35:31 EST 2016

Just a little reminder.

Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts, ALE, has multiple ways to keep in touch and meet with
your fellow ALE'ers. Below are the methods listed in order of the most used.

ALE Communications
1) email list from ale.org - sign up here:
    http://ale.org/?page_id=5  "ALE General" 10-20 msgs/day
2) postings on http://www.meetup.com/ALE-Atlanta-Linux-Enthusiasts/ for specific
3) postings on http://ale.org/ - monthly meetings (presentation links) - Use RSS
4) #ale on Freenode - IRC (use any IRC client or there's a web-front-end)
5) email list for Study Groups - http://ale.org/?page_id=5 "ALE Study" - very
low volume.
6) Discussion Groups on
http://www.meetup.com/ALE-Atlanta-Linux-Enthusiasts/messages/boards/ - lots of
subgroups there - very low volume.

Linux Jobs
If you have or are looking for a Linux job, there are 2 places:
a) email list for Jobs: http://ale.org/?page_id=5 "ALE-Jobs"
b) meetup "Job Postings" discussion:


We have a few groups trying to learn Linux, C, and other skills. The "Beginning
C" group was announced on the "ALE General" email list (see above) and runs thru
March. Look for posts by Leam in the list archives.

Physical Meetings
There are 3 different sub-groups with physical meetings.
1) ALE-Central - monthly at Emory U.
   Directions with a map: http://ale.org/?page_id=2

2) ALE-NW - weekly usually at Harry's Pizza, easy parking

3) ALE-South - weekly usually at Los Mariachis Mexican Restaurant,
   easy parking https://plus.codes/865QGCVF+5RX

Visit http://www.meetup.com/ALE-Atlanta-Linux-Enthusiasts/ for specifics about
these meetings.
Plus.codes can be used with google maps, but the rectangle resolution is lost.
We also post What-Three-Words locations, W3W, for some meetup events to reduce
confusion over addresses.  Some (cough) GPS tools are confused by some addresses.

F/LOSS Calendar
The meetup site has a iCal Calendar with F/LOSS happenings around the region.
http://www.meetup.com/ALE-Atlanta-Linux-Enthusiasts/events/ - visit this link to
find the CalDAV and iCalendar links for calendaring programs to know what's
happening. Of course, you can also use a web browser.  We attempt to keep Linux
and F/LOSS related events in the calendar; primarily ALE stuff, but related
conferences and other group events too.

Please sign up for the "ALE General" email list to know what is happening or any
last minute changes to meetings. Sometimes we have to cancel a meeting at the
last minute, so if you did not RSVP, then you may not get notified. Point your
favorite RSS reader at the meetup events and calendar.
Hope to see you out at these events, if you get a chance!

Please share this info with anyone who may be interested.


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