[ale] Easy way to add and delete iptables rules

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Fri Aug 26 11:05:04 EDT 2016

> From: "Jim Kinney" <jim.kinney at gmail.com>
> To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux!" <ale at ale.org>
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 10:03:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [ale] Easy way to add and delete iptables rules

> I found it easier to have a script per brat, er, um, child, I could run that
> flat killed their internet access. I used static assigned dhcp and had a table
> per child that normally did nothing. Running the block script added a DROP to
> that table.

> At one point I could ruin their life with a special email to a special address.
> It sucks having a parent whose job is sysadmin.

> :-)
That is what I'm doing here. How did you delete the rule? Just reload the whole iptables-save output? 

I'm going to have a button out in the open that the parents are only allowed to touch. Or a key switch with a key on my key chain? Whatever it will be it will be amusing. 

I don't really force these kids to do their homework or read. I just punish the bad grades. "You do whatever you need to do to get the grade up" 
I'm providing consequences to their decisions. 
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