[ale] OT: rant

Solomon Peachy pizza at shaftnet.org
Tue Aug 16 19:18:20 EDT 2016

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 06:35:11PM -0400, James Sumners wrote:
> Well, it did change. A system that I shall not name has taken over
> management of that.

Oh, do tell.

RHEL's basic network configuration stuff hasn't changed in over a 
decade; RHEL4, RHEL5, RHEL6, and RHEL7 all use NetworkManager by default.

Meanwhile, you can disable NetworkManager (on a per-interface basis, 
systemwide, or uninstall it altogether) in favor of using RH's 
essentially-unchanged-for-two-decades classic initscripts, which are 
*still* included (and fully supported) even with bleeding edge Fedora 
Rawhide, with no plans to change.

Indeed, RHEL/Fedora's NetworkManager build has always been configured to 
store its settings in the classic RH /etc/sysconfig/network 
format, so you can freely switch between using NetworkManager and not.


 - Solomon </grumblemutter>
Solomon Peachy        		       pizza at shaftnet dot org
Delray Beach, FL                          ^^ (email/xmpp) ^^
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
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