[ale] OT: Google Fiber has arrived in Atlanta

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Tue Aug 16 11:16:52 EDT 2016

Since we were just discussing Google Fiber coming to Atlanta, I figured some of you'd be interested in what I found in the Wall Street Journal this morning: 

or if you hit the paywall, maybe this "share" link will work better: 

Here are some relevant quotes (the last one mentions Atlanta): 

Google parent Alphabet Inc. is rethinking its high-speed internet business after initial rollouts proved more expensive and time consuming than anticipated, a stark contrast to the fanfare that greeted its launch six years ago. 
Fiber costs $70 a month for the fastest internet connection and an additional $60 a month for TV. Analysts estimate a one-time cost for Alphabet of more than $500 for each home the network reaches, not all of which subscribe. 

Google Fiber has begun construction in five new metro areas and announced plans to reach another dozen cities in the next few years. Now, those dozen cities will be the test bed for a push into wireless technology. 
Google Fiber last month bought Webpass Inc., a company that beams internet service from a fiber-connected antenna to another antenna mounted on an apartment building. The company serves roughly 820 buildings in five cities. 
In San Francisco and parts of Atlanta, the company is leasing existing underused fiber and connecting apartment buildings rather than single-family homes. It chose Huntsville, Ala., in part because the city agreed to build a fiber network for Google. 
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