[ale] To those brave souls who showed up...

Charles Shapiro hooterpincher at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 09:18:59 EDT 2016

Thanks for letting me  blather on about 3D printing last night.  In
retrospect, the most amazing part of the evening was getting all of the
technology I brought working right there in the room, including 2
computers, a working 3D printer, and a camera to project the action on the
Big Screen.

I neglected to give Propers to two important local contributors to the
local 3D printing scene (such as it is)

   * Freeside Atlanta ( https://wiki.freesideatlanta.org/fs/Info ) has a
small but active community of 3D print enthusiasts and at least two working
printers, if you wish to observe or experiment more with this young
technology.  They are in the process of installing a new DLP printer, which
has capabilities a home FDM printer lacks.

   * MIchelle Sleeper ( https://www.facebook.com/OverworldDesigns ) is a
local 3D printing guru. She's really smart and capable, and generous in
sharing her insights and experience.  If you have an interest in 3D
printing but need advice on where to start, she periodically gives
'beginning 3D printing' workshops at Freeside. Recommended.

-- CHS
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