[ale] [Fwd: Advertising on ale.org] - OT MS vs Apple vs Linux/UNIX

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Fri Sep 11 12:08:06 EDT 2015

On 2015-09-11 09:03, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Alex Carver <agcarver+ale at acarver.net> writes:
>> It seems I'm getting one for the price of two.  To have what I need now
>> I just run one syslogd.  To hvae the same thing under systemd I must run
>> journald and then run a syslogd on top of it because journald is not
>> capable of filtering inbound.
> In my case I just installed rsyslog manually.  Apparently logwatch was
> not updated to look at journald!!  OOPS!

Yeah, big oops.  My remote systems run rsyslogd with basic filtering to
send busy logs to a remote machine and the less busy logs go to local
storage.  The remote system uses syslog-ng to filter into multiple log
files based on source machine, daemon and keywords.  But if I had
systemd running then it would insist on having journald running, too,
yet I'd still need rsyslogd and syslog-ng to do all the filtering.  So
I'm just running an extra daemon for nothing.

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