[ale] Buy your wifi routers now...

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Wed Sep 2 20:29:14 EDT 2015

On 2015-09-02 17:22, Chris Fowler wrote:
>> From: "Alex Carver" <agcarver+ale at acarver.net>
>> To: ale at ale.org
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2015 8:05:51 PM
>> Subject: Re: [ale] Buy your wifi routers now...
>> there's also this NUC:
>> http://www.logicsupply.com/ml100g-10/
>> Industrial Intel Bay Trail Fanless NUC Computer
> Thanks for the leads. 
> I assume these systems are to be used as the edge router without wireless. I have spent MANY hours putzing with hostapd and it jsut drives me nuts. The biggest issue are the features in the wireless chipset. I can not imagine at this point replacing my DD-WRT AP in my attic with something I create that has a USB wifi dongle. DD-WRT is Linux so I would expect some USB wifi to work well. 
> I think the one I like the most now is the RT5370. It seems the most stable. 

Yeah, the goal is to swap out my WRT54G running OpenWRT with something
like these units running as my edge router/firewall/DNS and now a
network clock since it has a serial port.  I would keep the 54G as my
access point (works fine, no need to toss it) and any future APs would
likely be something like Ubiquiti units.  The 54G right now is my edge
router which works but it can get bogged down if traffic is really heavy
(usually when I'm getting hammered by remote attacks).

I was aiming for gigabit because the 54G's Broadcomm negotiates 100 Mbit
but wire speed maxes out at around 25-30 Mbit.  If my ISP upgrades the
network again, the 54G will become my bottleneck.

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