[ale] mount issue

Sean Kilpatrick kilpatms at gmail.com
Sun Oct 18 18:42:53 EDT 2015

I have an 8 gig sd card that may be FUBAR.

When I plug it into the computer (USB connection) nothing happens.  The
system does not automount the chip as it should.

But, If I go to the GUI and check for USB devices it appears on the list
of available devices.  When I click on the line (7.4 GiB Rem...) I get

UDI: /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sdh

The "mount" command does NOT list the device.

Obviously, at some level the OS (CentOs7) knows the card has been
attached to the system.  But it won't automount it as it should.

Clues would be appreciated as I really would like to recover the pix on
this SD card.


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