[ale] Serious: Comcast Business vs Residential

Phil Turmel philip at turmel.org
Thu Nov 12 16:37:54 EST 2015

On 11/12/2015 02:02 PM, Justin Goldberg wrote:
> From my experience and after reading various posts on the comcast forum,
> you can actually use your own modem with a comcast static IP, but it
> still have to be an smc model on their approved list. A tech once
> mentioned that those models support radius. A different model _might_
> give you more bridging options, where you can disable dhcp and Nat and
> enable DMZ. You'll never be able to do a l2 or l3 VPN; afaik that mode
> only forwards TCP and UDP, so no GRE. Openvpn, maybe.

I run an OpenVPN server at my Comcast Business static IP.  FWIW.

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