[ale] Virtual machine questions for public use machines

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Sat Jan 24 14:25:47 EST 2015

I'm going to try a virtual machine experiment in the next few weeks with
some spare boxes at work but I'm having trouble figuring a couple things

First, is it possible to have a setup where the host OS (Linux) has no
GUI (console at most) and the guest OS (Windows) is all GUI that can
completely take over the screen to appear as if it was the host OS?

If that's the case, can this be configured to happen at boot (system
boots, at end of boot guest is running on the whole screen)?

Is there a VM host that can accept a signal (by cron, ssh session, etc.)
to kill a guest?  This is to kill the guest at night, delete the guest
container file and then make a copy of an archived container to
essentially start from scratch every day.

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