[ale] Favorite Aliases?

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Sat Jan 10 12:48:24 EST 2015

I've always used psg too. Also md for mkdir but that's pretty boring. 

Actually, taking a peek at my .bashrc, it looks like a while back I switched psg from an alias to a function: 

psg () 
ps -ef | egrep ^UID\|\[${1:0:1}\]${1:1} 

This version gives me the header line and avoids the grep in the output. 

Since more often than not I seem to want to cd to the directory I just made, I also use: 

mkdir "$@" 
cd "$_" 

I think it was ksh that had a -c option on type that read though the symbolic links to tell you where the real file was. The c was for canonical I believe. Anyway bash doesn't have that option so I've been using this one for many years too, ever since I switched to bash: 

if [ "$1" = "-c" ] 
for f in "$@" 
ff=$(builtin type -p "$f") 
readlink -f "$ff" 
builtin type $typeopts "$@" 

I know you asked for aliases, but most of mine grew into functions it seems. I do also alias vi to vim and more to less, but mostly because I couldn't get out of old habits. 

Also this one is handy to replace scp for a large file : 
alias rscp='rsync --partial --progress --stats --inplace' 

This one is handy if you're having trouble connecting with ssh: 

alias sshv='ssh -vvv -o LogLevel=DEBUG3' 


----- Original Message -----

From: "JD" <jdp at algoloma.com> 
To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts" <ale at ale.org> 
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2015 10:40:56 AM 
Subject: [ale] Favorite Aliases? 

It has been awfully quiet here. 

What are your 3 favorite aliases? 

Let's skip the ls/du/df ones, ok? 

# ps with a grep 
alias psg='ps -eaf | grep $*' 

Oh and for programs that I constantly misspell, I'll create multiple aliases 
with the misspellings just to save time. 

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