[ale] BASHing my head

Scott M. Jones eff at dragoncon.org
Wed Aug 26 11:22:57 EDT 2015

For some reason my wildcard search in bash starting with uppercase
letters is finding files starting with lower case.  I checked my 'shopt'
options and they should be correct, but changing them doesn't change the
results.  In this case I DO want a case sensitive search but I'm not
getting that.  What am I doing wrong?  (Fedora 21 bash BTW.)

[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$ echo $SHELL
[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$ ls [A-Z]*.pdf
no_materials.pdf  tentcard.pdf  tentcard_short.pdf  tents.pdf
[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$ shopt | grep -i case
nocaseglob     	off
nocasematch    	off
[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$ shopt -s nocaseglob
[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$ shopt -s nocasematch
[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$ ls [A-Z]*.pdf
no_materials.pdf  tentcard.pdf  tentcard_short.pdf  tents.pdf
[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$ shopt | grep -i case
nocaseglob     	on
nocasematch    	on
[scott at vbox21 tentcards]$

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