[ale] SSD as /

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Sun Apr 26 14:21:11 EDT 2015

On 2015-04-26 07:55, Boris Borisov wrote:
> Thinking of building raspi wifi access point for wireless access at home
> replacing standalone wifi router. How is the life of SSD affected with
> logging all the events. Is there way to optimize it. Like block size,
> kernel cache buffers, doing logs in RAM disk and save every 5 minutes and
> etc.

You'll shorten the life of the SD card with lots of logging but what you
could do is configure syslog to send to a remote machine that has a
better drive.  I do that with one of my two RPis (my other RPi has a
spinning hard drive for root).  With the remote logging, the SD only RPi
almost never touches the SD card.

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