[ale] little rant

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Thu Apr 2 08:08:22 EDT 2015

My first Linux system ran on a 386sx16 with 8 Mb of memory.  It booted 
from two 3.5 in 1.44 Mb floppies.  I eventually added a 10 Mb hard 
drive.  That was kernel version 0.12.

It had a few utilities including a very primitive vi.  Once I got the 
hard drive running I was able to compile the rest of the useful 
utilities, such as awk, sed, etc.

On 04/01/2015 03:40 PM, Ben Coleman wrote:
> Sigh.  I remember running a firewall machine using Slackware, where the
> hard drive was a whopping 100MB.  I was able to fit the basic dist, plus
> the kernel source and enough development stuff to  recompile the kernel,
> with room left over.  Try*that*  with a modern dist!
> Ben

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