[ale] Living without a data plan how feasible is it
Jim Kinney
jkinney at jimkinney.us
Wed Oct 22 17:04:19 EDT 2014
My Verizon contract expires in Feb. They are gonna get dropped instantly. Heard multiple people saying good things about Ting. Gonna look if the OnePlus will run on their network. 99% of my time is in WiFi zone so data use is low. Can make the teen work off his texting bill :-)
On October 22, 2014 4:28:40 PM EDT, Todor Fassl <fassl.tod at gmail.com> wrote:
>I got a refurbished iPhone 4S from Ting. My bill has been $15 each
>so far ($6 subscription, $3 for up to 100 minutes of voice, $3 for up
>100 messages, and $3 for up to 100Gb). I've never been particularly
>close to going over the 100 limit on any of the 3 things. I don't know
>what happens if you do go over. I mean, I don't even know what the next
>payment level is.
>Yeah, I like ting.
>On 10/22/14 13:50, David Ritchie wrote:
>> We have been happy with Ting (sprint Network, BYOD) for my son
>(bought a
>> used Samsung Galaxy S3 device off of glyde.com) . First bill was
>> $6/mo for basic line, everything else is pay as you go. This is
>> better with mutliple lines (plan is next to move wife's Virgin Mobile
>> account over to Ting, but will probably need to get another phone if
>> won't unlock her prepaid one.)
>> -- David
>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Calvin Harrigan
><calvin.harrigan at gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>> +1 for T-Mobile, especially for international travel. Unlimited
>>> data, 20cents per minute back to the states from over 120 countries.
>>> Coverage oversees was surprisingly good. No surprises, bill was
>exactly as
>>> expected.
>>> On 10/17/2014 10:56 AM, Greg Clifton wrote:
>>> For some cheap plans, also consider Republic Wireless. They run on
>>> Network, which seems to have pretty good coverage. You can only use
>>> phones that they sell, because they set the phones to ALWAYS prefer
>>> Then when you in a WiFi free zone, you can talk on the Sprint
>network. This
>>> allows them to offer some very low priced plans (incluing data)
>since you
>>> are rarely actually using Sprint's bandwidth. If you are mostly in
>>> city, you should haved no concerns about either WiFi or Sprint
>>> The wife was on Sprint via Kroger's iWireless for a couple of years,
>and we
>>> found that the coverage was pretty good even out in the boonies.
>>> If you travel outside the USA, T-Mobile is definitely the way to
>go, no
>>> data roaming charges. They also have a 4 phones for $100/month plan,
>>> inclusive of unlimited talk, text and ample data for most mere
>>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:19 AM, JD <jdp at algoloma.com> wrote:
>>>> On 10/17/2014 08:42 AM, Charles Shapiro wrote:
>>>>> +1 for T-Mobile. Buy your phone used on swappa (http://swappa.com
>>>> A BYOD
>>>>> no-contract plan is currently $68 a month with 3 GB of data.
>>>> t-mobile has daily unlimited plans for pay-as-you-go people for
>>>> $2/day or
>>>> $3/day for 3G. These have unlimited talk+text+data (though 2G data
>>>> limiting
>>>> and non-secure alone). If you don't need the phone too much,
>>>> that from
>>>> the normal P-A-Y-G plan can save $$$hundreds yearly. If you have
>>>> everywhere, do you really **need** data when around ATL?
>>>> On travel, I enable 2G t-mobile for the 7 days I need it. $14 - not
>>>> In a
>>>> new city or one I haven't been in recently, it is convenient and
>>>> hassles.
>>>> Paying 10x more for convenience has always been the way of the
>world. No
>>>> different with cell phones, just like getting a 7-Eleven candy bar
>is more
>>>> expensive than walmart or a beer at the GA-Dome.
>>>> Of course, some people need the "status" for their jobs and I
>>>> understand that. After all, if you can't afford $1200/yr for a
>>>> cell phone
>>>> plan, why should I let you install and configure $4M worth of
>>>> into my
>>>> business?
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Jim Kinney
Linux Systems Analyst
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