[ale] Have a hardware question on no POST

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Tue Oct 21 21:04:03 EDT 2014

On 10/21/2014 11:24 AM, Alex Carver wrote:
> On 2014-10-21 07:20, Jim Lynch wrote:
>> My wife's computer, one I repurposed a few months back, "exploded" to
>> hear her tell it.  I'm guessing a cap exploded.  The PS was shot and
>> that was confirmed by a local PC shop.  I bought a new one and installed
>> it.  Nothing happened, so I figured the motherboard took a spike also.
>> I ordered a new motherboard, cpu and memory and installed it.  As my
>> normal procedure, I didn't plug the graphics card in, since it had
>> onboard video.  I did plug the DVD player and the front panel connections.
>> After pushing the power button on the front panel, the fans come on, the
>> lights light but no output on the monitor.  No POST.
>> Other than purchasing another cpu and replacing the cpu and then if that
>> didn't fix it replace the motherboard and if that didn't fix it.  Kick
>> my self for spending more for bad parts than I could have bought a good
>> refurb'ed unit.
>> So any suggestions of what I might try without spending any more money?
>> This is a Linux only box.  I've weaned her off of M$.
> No POST at all?  Not a single beep?  Check that the CPU is seated, no
> missing or bent pins, no dirt or dust in the socket.  The only time I've
> seen a motherboard not POST at all was when I installed a CPU that
> didn't sit flat in the socket.
New, it sat down in the socket perfectly.  I rocked it a bit to make 
sure it was in place.  I hate to pull it apart since I don't have any 
heatsink compound.  It's an AM3+ CPU. I think.

No speaker in this case.  I cut an old wire up and am scrounging around 
for a speaker to connect it.


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