[ale] sponsoring registrar

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Tue Oct 21 10:51:53 EDT 2014

> It is important to keep the different terms clear as different companies can be involved in each (or one could be handling all of them).
> Registrar = The company where the registration is - You indicated that is Enom.
> Web Hosting = The company that creates or maintains the site where you put the web page (this is where Cpanel would be.)
> Mail hosting = The company that hosts the email for the domain (if any).
> Colocation = The company that actually owns the systems the web page sits on if not on the Web Hosting company's own servers in their own location.


"DNS provider" - that is the place that the Registrar records point to be the
DNS system of record for the domain. Without the DNS, ain't nobody gonna get to
the host or send email.
All of these things can be with the same or different companies.
I think it is smarter to have them at different places:
for domains you care about.

For $2/yr domains to see if there is any chance of making money ... it probably
isn't worth the extra hassles to deal with 3 different companies, different
interfaces, and different support people. And if you don't understand each of
these enough, having 1 company to call and tell "make it work" is easier.  Buy
many of these all-in-one places are known for turning off a domain, host, dns
without even trying to contact the owner and holding the domain ransom until
some magical thing happens (or forever).

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