[ale] Your Go-To CLI Tools?

Ted W. ted-lists at xy0.org
Thu Nov 6 11:42:28 EST 2014

On 11/06/2014 09:03 AM, leam hall wrote:
> du -xk . | sort -n | tail -10
>    To find filesystem hogs.
Similarly, I'll use the following to find large directories/files in the 
top level of $PWD quickly on systems with lots of small files which is 
often faster then running du on the whole directory at one time:

	du -sk ./* | sort -n

I will often have a problem with git/puppet where one file on the puppet 
master is not owned by puppet any more because someone accidentally ran 
the post-commit hook by hand as root. I then have to find one or two 
files among tens of thousands to fix the ownership. I use find

	find <DIR> \! -user puppet -exec chown puppet:puppet {} \;

Ted W. <ted at xy0.org>

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