[ale] [OT] First Programming Language for Adult??

Tom Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Fri May 30 08:17:56 EDT 2014

Given that she is a librarian - and working on new aquisitions - I will 
thank you for your loan offer for her. I suspect that she will enjoy 
spending the school's money however.

On Thu, 29 May 2014, Stephen Leonard wrote:

> My suggestion is to use a book like this in conjunction with some other
> language resource that assumes no prior programming experience.  I'm not
> familiar with Alice, but I agree with your suggestion for Java or Python
> since plenty of documentation exists for beginners.
>  http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Computing-Algorithms-Russel-Shackelford/dp/0201314517
> Unfortunately, the price for this book is steep.  Since my copy is just
> collecting dust, I would be willing to lend it.  Please email me offline
> if interested.
> Here are some additional online resources I have seen suggested by
> others.
>  http://htdp.org/
>  http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/

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