[ale] install/update

Sean Kilpatrick kilpatms at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 22:47:33 EDT 2014

I ought to know the answer to this question, but I do it so seldom that I 
have forgotten how.

Temporarily still running an out of date Fedora.
Want to update Mozilla Firefox.
Downloaded the current file: firefox-27.0.tar.bz2
I can unpack the tarball and run the executable from the command line.

BUT . . . .

I'd really like to install it in the correct place in /usr so that the 
desktop icon can find it.

yum localinstall <fullpath> sounds like the sort of thing I need, but the 
man page doesn't  give me any confidence that will work.

failing that, I can create a link to the file on the Desktop, but clicking 
on the icon doesn't run the executable.

So how do I properly install this tarball in the correct place or get yum 
to do it for me?


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