[ale] must have missed this

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Tue Jul 8 11:17:17 EDT 2014

Sites that don't pay for themselves get cut when there isn't someone with an
"itch" left to support it.

Freecode/freshmeat was my 2nd stop when looking for F/LOSS solutions. Might be
time to sponsor a 100% clone, since going static is just a way of saying we
aren't gonna add any budget for this next year.  github and clones of that type
are taking over the space, but haven't handled the summary page nearly as well,
IMHO. Github is too freeform, I suppose.

On 07/08/2014 10:23 AM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> It seems freshmeat/freecode is no more.
> From the site:
> About Freecode
> The Freecode site has been moved to a static state effective June 18, 2014
> due to low traffic levels and so that folks will focus on more useful
> endeavors than site upkeep.
> The site contents have been retained in this static state as a continued
> path to access the linked software, much of which is on self-hosted servers
> and would be difficult to find otherwise.
> Well, crap. I guess Dice rolled 'em and hit snake-eyes.

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