[ale] File recovery

Beddingfield, Allen allen at ua.edu
Sun Jan 5 14:49:42 EST 2014

What type of backups do you have? Whole VM backups or file level? I assume they were on a datastore on local disk?

From: Jim Kinney [mailto:jim.kinney at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 01:12 PM Central Standard Time
To: Atlanta User Group (E-mail) <ale at ale.org>
Subject: [ale] File recovery

Haven't had to do this in a while so I'm looking for ideas.

VMware ESX host rebooted. The bios was set to pxeboot. The pxeboot process it picked up installed Fedora19 over the ESX.


Looking for recommendations for tool chains for VM recovery. I'm not expecting much success but trying to balance reconstruct time vs recovery time.
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