[ale] android question

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Sun Feb 23 00:32:54 EST 2014

On 2/22/2014 16:28, Sean Kilpatrick wrote:
> I have an andriod tablet -- with a slot for a micro-SD card,
> which adds another 32 gigs of storage.  That's nice.
> I have put on that SD card a text file containing login data for a number 
> of sites I might want to access while traveling: campground reservation 
> sites, Netflix, etc.
> But I can't figure out how to read the file on the tablet.  What app do I 
> need to do that?  Any clues?
> I also have music and videos on the card, but I have apps to display 
> those. It's the simple text file that has be buffaloed.
> I could just print out the data and stuff it in my wallet, but that seems 
> to defeat the purpose of the whole electronic schticht.
I use Jota Text Editor on my phone.  Works quite well, small and free.

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