[ale] Open suse 13 and display issues HDMI vs DVI

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Fri Dec 12 16:29:24 EST 2014

On 12/12/2014 04:17 PM, Narahari 'n' Savitha wrote:
> I have a video card with dvi and hdmi connectors.  When Open Suse was installed
> I had DVI connected and all worked.  Now I want to conn the HDMI instead of the
> DVI but the display never goes to the HDMI monitor.
> So I use a HDMI to DVI converter and the display goes to the HDMI monitor.  It
> works fine in this setup but I want  HDMI output of the desktop to the HDMI
> input of the monitor.
> Do I have to tinker with the xorg.conf or is there a swappable approach or run
> an app that enables HDMI ?

I don't, but I don't use OpenSUSE.  Just use xrandr, lxrandr, or arandr to
control this as needed.

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