[ale] Android games

Sean Kilpatrick kilpatms at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 13:03:15 EDT 2014

I am headed out for a few days and am trying to learn my way around this 
new Android tablet.  
I'm thinking I ought to have a few games on this thing, but the choice is 
w-a-a-a-y past daunting.
Do any of you have any favorite Android games?  This thing came with a 
useable Angry Birds, but there must be a few gems among all the junk that 
is out there.  There are dozens of solitaire games for example, but  the 
first two I looked at were really sorry.  Games that work well with a joy 
stick do not seem to work well on a touch screen.  At least I can't seem 
to make them work smoothly. Must be my fat fingers.  :)

Advice would be appreciated.


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