[ale] automating Cut and Paste in windoze
jdp at algoloma.com
Mon Apr 14 11:00:09 EDT 2014
There are perl modules to access all sorts of documents. There are definitely
modules to handle CSV, text, HTML. If the web pages are pure HTML, perl can do
it, but so can pretty much any other scripting language.
might be useful.
These days more webpages have that javascript crap, so simple parsing doesn't
work. Web-testing tools are the answer to get around that. These tools are
designed to press web buttons and watch for changes.
Sometimes it is best to let the suit-monkeys make decisions and just stay out of it.
On 04/14/2014 10:28 AM, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
> Many tools will dump to ascii and you could then manipulate the ascii and
> re-import to your forms. Of course it assumes your forms are built in a tool
> that will allow import from ascii.
> It amazed me years ago when folks began making the switch from hand-written to
> computer printed reports how people would always assume the computer printed
> stuff was correct but scrutinize every number on a hand written report as if it
> someone had set out to lie to them. Most of them had never heard of GIGO
> apparently.
> *From:*ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] *On Behalf Of *George Allen
> *Sent:* Monday, April 14, 2014 9:34 AM
> *To:* Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
> *Subject:* Re: [ale] automating Cut and Paste in windoze
> The PowerShell allows access to all COM or .net objects, which means it is
> possible to access whatever you need, but you'll need a Windows developer to do
> it. You may also want to look at some of the scripts for the usb-rubberducky,
> since I think these can do screen scraping also...
> -George
> On Apr 14, 2014 8:42 AM, "Charles Shapiro" <hooterpincher at gmail.com
> <mailto:hooterpincher at gmail.com>> wrote:
> IIRC the GUI has some (extremely limited) scripting features, at least as of
> XP. I suspect the answer a real Windows Guy would give you is "VBScript", but
> my experiences with that language have not been easy.
> -- CHS
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 8:18 PM, mike thornton <mrmthorntonlinux at gmail.com
> <mailto:mrmthorntonlinux at gmail.com>> wrote:
> The suits have recently hired 30+ special projects people to manually correct
> billing errors, which were caused by operator error in the first place.
> At this point the human factor is required, but the time spend moving a field
> from one app to another and then scanning the screen output is about as fast as
> using an etch-a-sketch.
> It pains me to watch this process, but I'm at a loss since I spent decades
> avoiding the MS world.
> The question is, can Perl or other languages interact with MS office and web
> based apps to automate the process and extract the pertinent information ?
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