[ale] what should I do when resizing ext4 partition

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 13:49:51 EDT 2013

I use LVM for all but /boot. So swap is a logical partition. That way I can
tune the size of it as required.

Additionally, for laptops, I can encrypt the entire PVM so swap is also
encrypted for situations where the laptop hibernates.

I have found that hibernations requires 1+X RAM for proper use. Not much
more than 1X but enough to fully write out all of RAM plus a tiny bit extra
used to tell the kernel to restore from swap. That will change if swap is
actually used for a long-running process. 1.2 - 1.5 X RAM seems fair. Hard
drives are cheaper than RAM anyway :-)

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Ron Frazier (ALE) <
atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Thanks for these tips.  With all the partition resizing and uuid changing,
> I didn't know how radical to get rebuilding the swap partition.  The system
> is running now, but, if the need arises again, I'll probably try the
> commands you listed.
> I know it's been mentioned before to some extent, but could you (or
> anyone) comment on the virtues of using a swap partition versus using a
> swap file.  Windows uses a swap file.  Years ago I had Ubuntu running with
> a swap file using a procedure I found online.  When I installed Mint
> recently, I set up a swap partition just because it's easier.  These days,
> I generally set the swap space as 1X RAM on Linux and 2X RAM on Windows.
>  If I have the money, I try to put 8 GB of RAM in right off the bat.  That
> gives the system lots of breathing room.  The one big advantage of a swap
> file, versus a swap partition, is that it's much easier to expand it later.
> Sincerely,
> Ron
> On 6/11/2013 10:01 AM, Chuck Payne wrote:
>> Ron,
>> I would do as Derek said, just do a mkswap, I have done on systems
>> where I dropped the old swap and created a new one that was a bit
>> bigger.
>> Just make do the following
>> swapoff
>> del or resize the old swap
>> mkswap /dev/partition of the swap
>> swapon
>> Update fstab if you delete it and created a new one.
>> On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Derek Atkins<warlord at mit.edu>  wrote:
>>> "Ron Frazier (ALE)"<atllinuxenthinfo@**techstarship.com<atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com>>
>>>  writes:
>>>> On the Linux side of the fence, the boot loader was indeed broken.  I
>>>> used the Ubuntu boot repair disc which rebuilt grub for me.  Mint then
>>>> booted fine, but the swap partition was not active according to system
>>>> monitor.  I used gparted to delete and recreate the swap partition,
>>>> then rebooted.  The swap was still not active.  I looked at the
>>>> /etc/fstab file and found in the comments that you can use blkid to
>>>> read the UUID of each partition.  I also found that the UUID was wrong
>>>> for both the / partition and the swap.  I'm not sure how the system
>>>> booted in this case, but I'm not complaining.  I changed the UUID for
>>>> both entries in the fstab file to the correct number for the / and
>>>> swap partitions respectively and rebooted again.  This time, the swap
>>>> partition was working.
>>> Ah, most likely the was Acronis did it was to actually mkfs new
>>> filesystems on the new drive, which generated new UUIDs, instead of
>>> doing a 'dd' and then fs-resize.  That would explain the UUID changes.
>>> As for the swap, depending on what acronis did you might just need to
>>> "mkswap" to re-initialize the swap partition.  You shouldn't need to
>>> erase and recreate the partition..
>>> -derek
>>> --
>>>         Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>>>         Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>>>         URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
>>>         warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available
> --
> (PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to
> call on the phone.  I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy
> mailing lists and such.  I don't always see new email messages very
> quickly.)
> Ron Frazier
> 770-205-9422 (O)   Leave a message.
> linuxdude AT techstarship.com
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James P. Kinney III
*Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain
at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his own tail.
It won't fatten the dog.
- Speech 11/23/1900 Mark Twain
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