[ale] WAY OT controlling asian tiger mosquitos and others

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Tue Jul 30 04:02:22 EDT 2013

You touched on a fan for the door, but what about one (or a few) for the deck? I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago and there were terrible mosquitoes. However, whenever there was the slightest breeze, there seemed to be none. Obviously mosquitoes have tiny wings and can't navigate even light wind very well. It occurred to me at the time that setting up some fans on the back deck might do wonders for keeping the things at bay. It'd be fairly cheap to try out, anyway. 

It might hold you till the "photonic fence" (aka mosquito lasers) are available, ha ha ;-) 

People have told me the propane trap thing works well, but I've never tried it. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ron Frazier (ALE)" <atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com> 
To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts" <ale at ale.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:22:34 AM 
Subject: [ale] WAY OT controlling asian tiger mosquitos and others 

Hi Guys, 

You've been warned, WAY OT. 

Don't flame me for posting this, but you guys are my geeky brain trust, 
and you had a gardening thread going on recently, so I figured I'd try it. 

I live on a wooded property and there are huge numbers of mosquitoes 
around in the summer, particularly lately. I think the main species 
active in the day time may be the Asian Tiger Mosquito. If we go 
outside for more than 1-2 minutes, they're attacking with a vengeance. 
I don't know for sure if they're Asian Tigers, since I'm too busy 
shewing, slapping, and moving to look closely at their appearance. But 
I do know those are much more active in daylight hours than others; and 
I know I've occasionally seen their distinctive striped appearance. 

I'm not a big outdoors person, but this just reinforces my stay inside 
or in a car mentality, even in fair weather. I have to make it a point 
to try to never leave the front house door or a car door open more than 
5-10 seconds. 

I'm posing this to you to find out if you've had personal experience 
with exotic solutions, some of which I'll mention. I don't want to put 
pesticide / repellent on my skin. I don't want to spray large parts of 
the yard with chemicals. So, I'm wondering about some of the less 
invasive technologies. 

I've read enough to become convinced that ultrasonic devices don't work 
at all; and bug zapper devices don't primarily work on mosquitoes. 

I am interested to know if anyone has had experience with the mosquito 
magnet brand of propane / attractant driven trap. According to Amazon 
reviews, they seem to work, but cost $ 300 to acquire and $ 40+ or so 
per month to run. Some reviews say they're not durable. 

I would also be interested in the new OFF devices with a fan that you 
clip on your belt. They've been advertising them like they're the 
shields around the starship Enterprise. Let's just say I'm skeptical. 

Another thing that crossed my mind is those fans you can mount over the 
door which blow air downward. At least that could keep the critters out 
of the house. 

The subject of bats may come up, and I'm glad to discuss it. I did do 
some reading though that said bats will prefer other food sources where 
they can get more of a meal for less work. 

This is not a critical problem, and, truth be known, I probably wouldn't 
spend $ 300 to fight it. But it is extremely annoying. I just hate the 
idea of my blood being sucked to help create more of the #$#$%#$% 
stinking bugs. There is also the remote chance of them carrying 
dangerous diseases. Also, not being able to go outside hardly at all, 
is annoying even for me. 

Anybody have any suggestions that don't involve putting toxic chemicals 
on myself or the property? 

Any help is always appreciated. Can't say I would implement any given 
suggestion, but I'd certainly consider them, and would enjoy learning 
about options. I always learn things from the discussions here. My 
reading has convinced me there is no silver bullet, as with so many real 
world problems. I'd settle for just about any usable and affordable bullet. 




(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to 
call on the phone. I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy 
mailing lists and such. I don't always see new email messages very quickly.) 

Ron Frazier 
770-205-9422 (O) Leave a message. 
linuxdude AT techstarship.com 
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