[ale] Web based file storage

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Fri Jul 19 04:09:29 EDT 2013

Do any of you have a recommendation for a web based file storage system? 
  I want to have something that has basic authentication (i.e. can you 
see the files or not, doesn't have to get more granular), handles very 
large files (upwards of 20MB or more at a time), and can provide a tree 
navigation.  Revision control is not necessary so SVN/Github isn't quite 
what I'm looking for.  Essentially I'm trying to make a NAS with a web 
front end.  The users won't be able to mount the server directly so it 
has to be entirely web access for navigation and file manipulation.

I was testing the dotproject file storage system and it's not exactly 
easy to use.  The server is going to run dotproject for doing the task 
management but I need something better for file management.

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