[ale] [OT rant] selfishness
Chuck Payne
terrorpup at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 13:22:38 EST 2013
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Geoffrey Myers
<lists at serioustechnology.com> wrote:
> Just the reason all emergency vehicles should have a 50 cal. on the front.
> --
> From my iPhone
> Geoffrey Myers
> On Jan 11, 2013, at 10:51 AM, Jim Kinney <jim.kinney at gmail.com> wrote:
> There was a wreck on I-285 that required fire trucks, ambulance and closing
> down 3 lanes next to the center divider. Of course traffic is backed up for
> a few miles. As the emergency vehicles are approaching, people were, in
> general, making NO APPARENT EFFORT to clear a path for the emergency access.
> I could see the approaching lights and hear the sirens a full 2 minutes
> before they were finally adjacent to my car. Finally, as they were nearly
> adjacent, traffic began to ignore the lane markers and spread apart to allow
> an envelope of open road to appear just ahead of the emergency trucks.
> And then the most blatant example of selfishness I've ever seen occurred.
> The car behind me had not made a single move to clear the way for the
> ambulance. From my view, the cell phone call was far more important than the
> road conditions. So when I was finally able to squeeze left, along with the
> cars in front and the right side traffic squeezing right, the car behind me
> took the new hole as an opportunity to jump in front of the traffic that was
> making room for the ambulance and fire rescue trucks.
> The driver actually impeded the flow of the emergency crew as she finally
> tried to merge back into traffic but there was no room. So she stopped
> moving, laid on the horn and looked like she was about to ram a car out of
> they way when finally some serious other car packing allowed her to clear
> the way.
> As a species, we are doomed if that mentality continues. I hope the fire
> truck got her tag and she loses her license. We need to have urban
> transportation that is not propelled by individual interest. The roads are
> simply too crowded and people are too distracted to always be safe drivers.
> We can't force people to be safe but we can remove opportunities for people
> to be stupid and selfish. I like the idea of being able to get to
> work/pub/friends/food without needing to sweat the details of driving and
> still make it in less than 2 hours. I ESPECIALLY want to hit my fav pubs and
> then get home without endangering anything but my own liver.
> We are close to having the capability but we are light-years from having the
> social will to make the leap.
> </rant>
> um. duh. The auto2 should have a hardened, real-time Linux system brain.
> --
> --
> James P. Kinney III
> Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain
> at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his own tail.
> It won't fatten the dog.
> - Speech 11/23/1900 Mark Twain
> http://electjimkinney.org
> http://heretothereideas.blogspot.com/
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It very simple. No need to raise taxes. No need to worry about the
raise in gas prices. Or the idiots that keep owning a care is right
and not a privileges. Plus would make most epa wet dreams. What is
it? Ban Cars!!! Why should Americans owe something that kills each
years more people than guns. They are doing more to destroy the world
than the people who are killing themselves with cigarette and cows
eating grass. Cars! Cars in the hands of those that only have half a
brain brian are weapons of mass destruction. Cars. The true problem to
all problems. It not SVU, with owners that think that if they buy a
big car that they safe on the road, even though they are the ones cut
you off and saluting you to tell you are number one in their books.
Call the president now! BAN CARS NOWS!!! Save everyone! We need our
government to save people. We can't do it. The greedy car companies
won't do it. We are the kids to sleep in the car dealer parking lots
to save us for ourselves.
CARS! Yes, join me. Say it now, Say it loud. BANNED THE CAR!! Let know
one own this true WMD. Please father government, save us for us.
Think of the Trillions of dollars we can save the American family, no
need for insurance, no need to worry about oil prices going, no need
for worry about class warfare since no can own a expensive car. Think
of the hundred thousands of lives we can save because on can cause
Yes my fellow Americans. BANNED THE CAR!!! BAN IT NOW!!!
Sorry, but I feel your pain. I hate traffic in Atlanta, I really wish
we could do like other part of the world and make it hard for anyone
to drive a car. Example, for me to get my license in Japan, I had to
pay about $5000 dollars, this included me taking 150 hours of training
with instructor. Once I had finish my train, to get the license it
cost me $500 dollars to take the test.
Because of that, and I am cheap. I learned to love trains and buses.
But we do have a lot people that need to be sent to training camps and
retrain on how to drive.
Terror PUP a.k.a
Chuck "PUP" Payne
(678) 636-9678
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