[ale] Off-lease/refurb systems, acctg/bookkeeping sw

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Fri Dec 27 13:18:35 EST 2013

On Fri, December 27, 2013 12:50 pm, Ken Cochran wrote:

> I know about GNUCash but best I can tell, it won't do payroll
> unless that's changed recently.

Nope, GnuCash does not have a payroll module.  It can account for payroll
transactions but it has no way to compute all the taxes, withholdings, etc
required or keep track or print W2s/1099s.  It's just a very complicated,
always-changing, locale-specific set of rules that frankly nobody has been
willing to implement.  (Patches always accepted).

> Thanks, -kc

-derek, with his GnuCash developer hat on

       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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