[ale] how do I - icon starts script starts 4 scripts

Ron Frazier (ALE) atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com
Wed Apr 17 20:56:13 EDT 2013

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the reply.  I'm afraid that's over my head.  But, I'll keep 
it in mind for future use.  Tell me more about what terminator does.



On 4/17/2013 3:28 PM, Dennis Ruzeski wrote:
> If you want the code for this hit me up off list but I would open a 
> file descriptor for each script and send all output to it, then launch 
> terminator (or similar with 4 sub terminals) and fire off a screen 
> session in each to display the contents of one of the file descriptors.
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Brian MacLeod <nym.bnm at gmail.com 
> <mailto:nym.bnm at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hash: SHA256
>     On 4/17/13 2:35 PM, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:
>     > Thanks (I think) dev null.  However, sometimes it's more efficient
>     > to just ask someone who knows rather than spend hours searching
>     > through results in Google.  There are some nuances to my question
>     > that make the answers non obvious.
>     I'm going to be a grouch here.
>     The only nuances that aren't obvious in this situation are the
>     Terminal/Window Manger you use and the specification of window size,
>     The rest of what you asked is answered very well with the various
>     documents explaining how to write bash scripts, as posted by dev null,
>     and where you place your icon / your philosophy on how things should
>     start up on boot.
>     Unless you have ABSOLUTE physical control of this machine and its
>     location, I would give great pause to having the window manager
>     auto-login and do this unless you script in some sort of screen lock,
>     but that would defeat your purpose in having the terminals displaying
>     the information.
>     Frankly, if at all possible, I'd ditch the window-manager altogether
>     and do this in screen, but even then with your heavy concentration on
>     other security matters, this may not be the solution you think it is.
>      And I capitalized ABSOLUTE for a reason.
>     - --------
>     So, my first question is how do I set up a basic script file with
>     these commands in it.  I can fill in all the details later.
>     cd ~/cgminer
>     export .....
>     ./cgminer .....
>     Also, how do I put comments in the file?
>     - --------
>     ummm...
>     - -------
>     #!/bin/bash
>     # Other than the required shell interpreter line
>     # above, the hashed lines are comments.
>     # This is a hash #
>     cd ~/cgminer
>     export .....
>     ./cgminer .....
>     - -------
>     - --------
>     Finally, I want to create a master script to start all the other 4.
>     Here's the trick.  I want the master script to start each of the sub
>     scripts in its own window and continue executing commands in the
>     master script.  I don't want the master script to hang waiting for
>     MINER1 to exit before executing MINER2, and so forth.
>     Let's say that the master script is called START-MINERS.
>     - --------
>     - --------
>     #!/bin/bash
>     # The ampersand after the command causes a fork and puts
>     # the job in the background.
>     # Commonly, geometry can be set by --geometry= option.
>     # See your terminal man page for details.
>     - --------
>     Brian


(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to
call on the phone.  I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy
mailing lists and such.  I don't always see new email messages very quickly.)

Ron Frazier
770-205-9422 (O)   Leave a message.
linuxdude AT techstarship.com
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