[ale] HTML INCLUDE Feature Stopped Working

Tony Carter tcarter at entrusion.com
Fri Sep 28 16:04:30 EDT 2012

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 7:22 AM, Marc Ferguson <marcferguson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have apache setup on my Fedora 17 box. For the past couple of weeks I've
> been creating web pages using <!--#include virtual="/path-to-file"-->
> without any issues. Well there was that SELinux-directory issue, but I
> quickly disabled it. All of a sudden I load up my sites and the INCLUDE
> feature isn't working anymore. I didn't change any configuration at this
> point.
> I did a YUM update to no avail. After some Googling it looked like a SELinux
> thing, but I set that to "permissive" mode. I've made multiple tweaks to the
> httpd.conf file and I've restarted httpd.service multiple times, but INCLUDE
> still isn't working. I am thoroughly confused at this point. I'm not sure if
> it'll work, but I'm attaching my two .conf files in hopes that you more
> experienced folks can help me. Thanks.

I don't see the "Options +Includes" directive in your vhost config file.

Can you try adding:

<VirtualHost *:80>
     DocumentRoot /var/www/virtual/digitalalias/public/demo
     ServerName demo.digitalalias
	 <Directory "/var/www/virtual/digitalalias/public/demo" >
		Options +Includes

Who is apache running as? What user did you use to chmod
/var/www/virtual/digitalalias/public/demo ?
Also what does getenfore show?


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