[ale] Introduction and info about myself

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Mon Oct 29 15:46:43 EDT 2012

On 10/29/2012 08:27 PM, Scott Castaline wrote:
> Have you ever tried Geany? What's your thoughts on that one if you have.

I use Geany, but only for
* "long" coding sessions in perl or ruby
* on machines with X/Windows libraries (not many here)
* if I didn't start using vim first.

Geany is like Notepad++, if you've never heard about it before. Cross-platform.

99% of the time, vim.  I started out using emacs, but more and more found myself
using "vi-mode" to accomplish complex tasks. I also had buffer-bloat ... too
many buffers opened to remember what I was editing (common emacs issue).  Then
there was the peer pressure from the other programmers on the team AND the sys
admin who didn't want to waste storage, CPU, effort loading emacs for 1 person
in a lab of 50 people.

'sudo apt-get purge nano'
is the very first command I run on Linux systems these days. I HATE nano, but
understand that it is necessary for people new to the OS.  Use whatever editor
you like. It is your choice and similar to free speech as far as I'm concerned.
 I still believe everyone using UNIX/Linux needs a minimal working knowledge of
vi/vim. There are still systems that do not run anything else.

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