[ale] [OT] Way OT - Need Electrical Part ASAP

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Fri Nov 16 17:01:26 EST 2012

On 11/16/2012 04:10 PM, Sparr wrote:
> Then tell them their policy just bought your factory a day of downtime.
> Or, a creative solution... Does your system have more than one of those? Can you
> measure the current draw on the others? Find one under half utilization, move it
> closer to where the missing one goes, tap it twice.
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Sergio Chaves <sergio.chaves at gmail.com
> <mailto:sergio.chaves at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Higher ups would never approve it.
>     They gave me no choice but original parts :-(

Original parts or manufacturer approved parts are great - WHEN YOU HAVE THEM.

I hope you ordered 2 and have them shipped via Delta-dash.

If it really is **that** critical, then the company needs to pay the vendor to
stock critical parts onsite.  Usually that price alone lets the "higher ups"
come to their senses very quickly.  However, I've worked a few places where that
was just fine and we paid for redundant everything + testing + onsite spares at
multiple locations.

Make-due solutions are fine as long as they don't become "forever" solutions.

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