[ale] CLI conversion of word DOCs to PDF

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Tue May 8 15:49:56 EDT 2012

On Tue, 8 May 2012, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:
> of things.  Every one had a comment header block, which described in 
> detail what the function did, what it's inputs and parameters were, the 
> revision history, and how to use it.  Within the code, I would use 
> single line and inline comments to explain what almost every small set 
> of statements did.  You could, literally, read my code like a book, even

I'm sorry, let me get more specific. That's in code documentation.
That IS something I see done (even at $work$). For example: Adam swamps
me with inline perldocs and such.

But that's not what the normal users people see, or makes sense even to 
the technical support people. It's not the kind of stuff you usually create 
DOC's or PDF's for.. I don't expect programmers to create end user docs 
(although we often do), but they do need to explain how something works 
well enough for other peopel to create that documentation.

In theory, that is done from "spec", but that is just crazy talk.

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