[ale] SVN modified timestamps

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Mon Mar 12 19:23:21 EDT 2012

On Mon, 2012-03-12 at 19:09 -0400, James Sumners wrote:
> already making a rather big change.

It really has not been that big of a change.  The issue that caused me
the most problem was the fact that mtime was not preserved.  I did an
import, co then TSHTF.

Once this was fixed the import was a breeze.  Since SVN uses some of the
same conventions and ideas as CVS I adapted quickly.  I even created an
alias in bash so that cvs = svn.  

Sure, you don't have tag or branch options in SVN, but after a little
googling I figured out the way to do it correctly.

If I could go back in time and warn myself about mtime issues then it
would have taken about 3 hours create a repo, create and tag 1.0.0, and
build a 1.0.0 image to be flashed onto the device.


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