[ale] has anyone successfully used RSYNC to....

Courtney Thomas courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net
Fri Mar 2 13:38:42 EST 2012

...(1) back up all their filesystems from HD1 to an archive hard drive HD2,

(2) then replaced HD1 with a NEWdrive which was partitioned, labeled and
formatted exactly duplicating the replaced HD1, and then

(3) RSYNCed the archived files on HD2 to the NEWdrive, with the result that:

the NEWdrive was not only without fault, but that the previous 
of HD1 was exactly duplicated ?

If yes to all 3, would anyone care to share

(1) the RSYNC backup command for HD1 -> HD2
(2) their partition, label and format commands for NEWdrive
(3) the RSYNC restore command for HD2 -> NEWdrive

This is obviously of overwhelming importance to all and if anyone can 
point to a
reliable source, or provide it outright themself, for the above sought 
summary, my gratitude would be boundless  :-)

I am aware that rsync, fdisk, e2label and mkfs are all documented commands,
but a successful usage, as herein outlined, is, at least in my case, 
days away of trial and error, having already wasting such time in 
pursuit of such
an outcome using 'dump'.



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