[ale] [Kinda OT] The "TalkMaster", Freedom and Free Software -- [JOBS/OT]

Derek Carter goozbach at friocorte.com
Mon Jan 30 16:54:09 EST 2012

On 1/30/12 1:53 PM, mike at trausch.us wrote:
> I don’t know how many of you actually spend (waste?) time listening to
> talk radio, but I do on occasion.  One of the things I spend (again,
> waste?) my time listening to in the car or when I think to fire up the
> stream on my computer is Neal Boortz.
> Now, he seems to take the position that freedom is paramount and that we
> should all exercise it.  He constantly complains, for example, about
> “government schools” and how they do not really provide an education,
> much less equip our young to exercise their freedom.
> However, he seems to spend an awful lot of time pushing products for
> Windows in the spots on his show.  I have never even once heard him or
> any of his sheep call in and mention that there is free software which
> enables people to exercise their fundamental freedoms with regard to
> their computing platforms.  In fact, it seems that his platform is
> nothing more than a façade, where he is quite happy to push things that
> cause people to become less free as a result of the use of the things
> that he pushes.
> I find myself wondering:  Is this because he doesn’t know about it?  Or
> is he insincere?
> 	--- Mike

Alls I know is that his site runs on Linux(CentOS) and Python(django).

And if you want to help keep sites like that running Cox Media Group 
Digital is hiring:


They're a great group to work with/for. I know, it used to be my job.
aka goozbach

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