[ale] Fwd: Georgia Bill Would Prohibit Subsidies For Municpal Broadband - Slashdot

Steve Brown scbrown3 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 11:09:30 EST 2012

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Andrew Sledge <andrew at novologic.com>wrote:

> And with this, I unsubscribe. It's hard to take a list seriously when
> this is constantly being thrown around. It takes away from the value and
> just filtering through the nonsense is a total time-suck.

When you add one or two certain members of the list to your killfile, it
does wonders for the signal to noise ratio. It's a shame, because those few
members sometimes have great technical insight, but I've found it to be
worth it. It's just too bad because many members that used to post very
interesting stuff are now silent, but I guess some people can't contain
their agendas. Pathetic.

-Steve Brown
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