[ale] [Slightly OT] What IS this electrical Component?

Neal Rhodes neal at mnopltd.com
Sat Dec 29 12:46:38 EST 2012

http://flic.kr/p/dFrXah should be a picture of the innards of a 120VAC
to 24VAC wall wart. 

Which is somewhat obscure, and is now farschtunken.   (zero output)

The big clue is infinite resistance across the 120V side. 

Tearing it apart, I'm seeing about 80 ohms across the primacy coil, and
this little black thing, which shows infinite resistance both ways. 

I may just end up getting a replacement adapter, cutting off the cable,
and splicing on the obscure connector, but I'm curious what this thing

Writing on it says: 

        AUPO (rombus shape with some letters inside)
        A 2-1 A-F jet
        115<degrees-symbol>C  R1

If I had to guess, then I'd guess it's some kind of thermal protection
device that is normally conducting straight through, but opens up at 115
degrees to protect from overload? 

Any thoughts on what this is, and if one could obtain a replacement part


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