[ale] OpenSSH RequiredAuthentications2 publickey,password

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Sat Dec 29 06:57:26 EST 2012

> Hrrm, SSH key + otp + password?  Overkill?  Probably...

I think it all depends on -what- you are protecting access to.

Access to your desktop/laptop via SSH: Overkill, but great place to test things.

Access to a common webserver: Overkill. probably.

Root/Admin Access to a web/email/file/other server with payment or 
confidential business information: Appropriate.

Any access to a system capable of command and control of things: Appropriate

Re: Yubikey

I had looked at them a long long time ago. Thanks, I needed the reminder.
And just bought a Holiday Pack to play with:


$59 for 3 keys.. Worth playing with.

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