[ale] [Slightly OT] Parts source for consumer electricals.

Neal Rhodes neal at mnopltd.com
Mon Dec 3 10:01:04 EST 2012

Hamilton Beach toaster oven now burns my cookies to a crisp. 

It is obvious that the thermostat,
(http://www.cd-thermostat.com/product/cd504.htm)  has burnt up contacts
and is unrepairable. 

This is a $0.50 part which can be replaced in 60 seconds.   Push on
connectors, no soldering, bada bing, bada bang.  And of course Hamilton
Beach will not sell this part. 

It appears I could buy a container load and have it shipped from China,
but given my age, I don't see ever needing that many.   They have yet to
respond regarding a domestic distributor. 

I find no sources for that part, unless somebody knows of an electrical
supply house that doesn't show up on searches.    This part is probably
used on every Hamilton Beach toaster oven made.    Thoughts? 
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